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Optional mobility unit in the vocational high school diploma  The AKI project 
 Still experimental, this allows the results of a course in a European country to be   The AKI project is a European project which aims to help identify and enhance the
 taken into consideration, once validated. A skills repository has been proposed to   transverse skills developed during an international mobility. The tools available
 evaluate acquired learning at the end of a mobility period (for more information:   enable the understanding of how transverse skills can be developed during a
 B.O. No. 31 of 28 August 2014)  mobility and then used in professional life and citizenship. They help to put these
        experiences into words, and to identify the skills developed.
 Europass: the European Skills Passport  For more information:
 The Europass European Skills Passport is a portfolio which allows for the
 effective and clear presentation of skills and qualifications acquired in the course   Emploi Store
 of a mobility. It is designed to emphasise the entire training course (studies,   The Pôle emploi platform of on-line services includes an 'International' page
 professional experiences, courses, voluntary experiences, language skills) and to   with a serious learning section (B.A.-BA retour de mobilité) which gives support
 help with the recognition of the mobility. It may include the following documents:  for the emphasising of experiences in other countries:
 ✓  Europass CV - to be completed by the holder, this document logs skills and
 qualifications;  To go further: Articles and studies devoted to the impact of mobility on
 ✓  Europass Language Passport - a self-assessment tool which covers   employability
 language skills and qualifications;
 ✓  Europass mobility: allows you to record the knowledge and skills acquired
 during the mobility experience. Its objective is to support the validation and
 recognition of skills related to international mobility.
 ✓  Diploma Supplement - this is a personalised document completed by
 the institution issuing the diploma. It describes the knowledge and skills
 acquired by the holders of diplomas of higher education and contributes to
 their greater readability. Section 6 allows information specifically relating to
 the courses and languages studied to be included;
 ✓  Certificate Supplement - allows the holder to describe the knowledge and
 skills acquired in vocational training.
 To create the skills passport:

 Example of the Valorizeyourmobility platform
 This platform, created with Erasmus+ funds, aims mainly
 to capitalise on the benefits of the mobility as a means
 of increasing  employability. A skills  booklet and toolbox
 allow those involved in a mobility project to self-assess
 and capitalise on their skills before, during and after their
 mobility project.
 For more information:

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