P. 5

■ Introduction  Who can take a course in Europe?
        The principle of free movement of people in the European Union allows
        them to take a course in any one of the Member States, so long as they
 The search for a useful course must be methodical and well-directed to   comply with the provisions which apply in the State where the course is being
 be profitable. To the extent that a course can sometimes be a springboard   held (timetables, status, fees and contributions, etc). A French trainee can
 to integration, it is of some considerable importance. Otherwise, what   therefore move around within the EU, and a European trainee can come to
 does the concept offer? Depending on the country, the meaning and   France, to take a course according to the regulatory conditions of courses
 reality of taking a course may vary. In France, a course responds to a   in France. For non-Europeans, it is particularly important that they ensure
 certain  definition  and a  clearly specified  a  legal  framework, which is a   that their administrative situation is in line with the status of a trainee as
 guarantee of its quality. It consists of professional experience integrated   defined in the country where the training takes place, in particular when
 into a training or study course and is the subject of a training contract   the course is considered to be a short-term work situation.
 (convention  de  stage)  between  the  three  parties:  trainee,  company  and
 training establishment. Its wealth derives from the opportunity of being   This guide is directed first and foremost to trainees who wish to take a
 confronted with the needs and realities of the professional world while   course abroad; and to the education and training professionals who
 remaining in a learning context. The course not only allows trainees to   support them in their research, including when the course operates as
 use their knowledge and to adapt it to the real needs in the field, but also   alternance training.
 to acquire new skills. Carried out at the beginning of the training course,   It is intended to provide benchmarks and methodological advice for success
 it rather serves as a discovery of the world of work, or more particularly a   in taking a good-quality training course in Europe, in the context of a study
 sector of activity. Half-way through the course, it offers the possibility of   or training course.
 participating in the company's ongoing activities at the end of the studies.
 Towards the end, the course is inclined towards the mastery of technical
 expertise, as well as towards an understanding of the organization skills
 and human relations which are required in business. It allows the trainee
 to make adjustments and confirm choices, before any initial professional

 Why take a course abroad ?
 By  taking  a  course  in  Europe,  the  benefits  described  above  would  also
 be combined with those of a mobility experience: cultural and linguistic
 knowledge, open-mindedness, the spirit of initiative, listening and working
 as  a  team,  taking  responsibility,  autonomy,  analysing  a  situation  from
 different angles, resolving problems … the added value is considerable.
 Forced out of their comfort zones, trainees abroad describe it as a
 significant experience which transformed them, and helped them to gain
 self-confidence. In playing the skill transfer game, foreign courses help
 develop adaptability and communication skills; they also encourage the
 emergence of an entrepreneurial spirit. Finally, these experiences facilitate
 and accelerate the route to employment.

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