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Courses in Spain Administrative formalities
The Número de Identificación Extranjero (NIE) (ID number for foreigners) is a unique
There are a lot of small and very small businesses in Spain, particularly personal number assigned to foreigners by the General Directorate of Police. It
in the service sector. Most large companies are concentrated in the industrial appears on all the official documents that the administration sends or transmits
sector. Large international companies are found in renewable energy, tourism, to foreigners in Spain. This number is mandatory for those who take a course in
banking, insurance, the textile industry, health technologies, aeronautics, the Spain. It is useful for administrative formalities: opening a bank account, finding
agri-food sector, the automotive industry and the development of infrastructure. accommodation, opening an energy supplier account, registering a driving licence,
etc. The NIE's application must be made to the Spanish Consulate General in
Name and legal framework Paris or directly in Spain if the internship lasts more than 3 months, by visiting the
‘Práctica’ Police Station of the place of residence (or "Policía de Extranjeros" of the province).
In Spain, courses do not have the same tradition as in France or in Germany. In For more information look at: /informacion para extranjeros.
general, there are courses integrated with studies carried out prior to graduation, The Número de afiliación a la Seguridad Social a la Seguridad Social (Spanish Social
whose objective is to combine theoretical and practical knowledge by offering the Security number) is issued by the General Treasury of Social Security in the home
pupil or student some experience in the field. Most professional training courses province of the business where the course is located; it is mandatory.
and universities therefore now include a compulsory work placement. For more information:
For an example of a course contract in Spanish, refer to Key Point 7: administrative
There are two types of course: stages at the beginning of this booklet.
✓ Courses for students which are part of a curriculum and which give rise
to the validation of credits. These are mandatory and are organized by the
universities and regulated by an agreement (convenio) between the university Practical life
and the business in the context of the Programas de Cooperación Educativa.
They are, in general, not paid but it is possible that the company may offer Cost of living: living in Spain is generally a little cheaper than in France. But there
some compensation in the form of a bursary. Courses carried out by French is a great difference between large cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, and
students which are the subject of a convention (from the French university) the cities of the South. An average budget of €700 should cover the costs.
come into this category.
✓ Courses for young graduates at the initiative of the trainee: Spanish Accommodation: Rents vary from one city to the other; they are higher in the
legislation does not currently regulate this type of course. They are subject to country's main cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Vitoria and Saint-Sébastien.
a tripartite course agreement proposed by the university, an association, or Moreover, the centres of large cities are always more expensive than the suburbs
in the context of programmes. These courses are paid, in the form of a grant. or surrounding towns, which are generally well served by trains or buses.
The trainee does not occupy a working position, so there is no contractual The price of renting a room can vary from 180 to 300 € per month (excluding
relationship. It is important to differentiate between the probationary possible charges for electricity, water, etc).
contract (Contrato de Prácticas), very common for young graduates, which Some of the many private sites offering rentals: ; www.
corresponds to their first entry into the jobs market, and whose duration is ; ; ; …
regulated (between six months and two years). In this last case, the trainee
contributes to social security and receives a predetermined salary. Tips on finding a course and useful sites
Work schedules in Spain are unusual. Although it notes the changes, the lunch
break starts at 2pm and is fairly long (about 2½ hours). The working day therefore CV and covering letter
ends later, about 7 or 8pm. The working week is 40 hours. The CV and covering letter carta de presentación must be written in Spanish.
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