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Pay and working hours                                                                         Courses in Ireland
        Trainees receive 15% of the basic weekly salary if they are working 40 hours per
        week (the legal working week being eight hours per day), being the equivalent of
        60% of the minimum salary per month. The gross minimum monthly salary is the                  With less than 5 million inhabitants and a GDP of 288 billion € in 2016,
        equivalent of 355€ (average salary: 794€).                                           Ireland is the archetype of a small, open economy. Taking the improvement in the
                                                                                             performance of all sectors of the economy into account, skill shortages exist in
        Practical life                                                                       the ICTS, engineering, science, the economy and finance, health, construction,
        In cultural terms, Hungary combines western European style with eastern              office jobs, sales and some specialised trades: chefs, welders, butchers, steel
                                                                                             construction assembly workers and tool manufacture.
        European specialities. In Budapest, genuine student life is to be found, with typical
        or alternative locations.                                                            Name and legal framework
                                                                                             Internship, placement
        Language: Hungarian is complex, so it is best to ensure that someone in the          Despite its existence, the course does not have a specific legal framework apart
        company speaks English, German or French. Cost of living: very reasonable.           from that of work. The length of the working week in Ireland may be from 30 to 40
        Cost of living::A trainee will need 330 to 600€ per month to live in Budapest, but   A course is part of the structure put in place to combat unemployment among
        will save 100 to 220€ if sharing accommodation. For a smaller budget, look for a     young people by helping them to acquire new skills (Job Bridge: a national
        smaller student city: Debrecen, Pecs, Szeged…                                        programme of courses).
                                                                                             In the face of the increased demand for young people, courses are being developed
        Accommodation: allow from 130€ on a campus to 170€ (average cost: 155€).             in Ireland under several forms: work placement is a transition between school and
        Accommodation in Budapest:                                                           the world of work; while an internship or traineeship is more of a training experience and                           in conjunction with an employer, targeted at acquiring specific expertise. While
                                                                                             most Irish students engage in general studies, courses are more and more often
        Tips on finding a course and useful sites                                            proposed from the first stage of higher education onwards.

        Half of the course offers are made by word of mouth, so it is better to research
        availability in the large cities such as Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc or      Duration: in higher education, the duration of training varies from two to six
        Pécs.                                                                                months, unless it is a year's professional experience integrated into the studies. A
                                                                                             tripartite agreement is signed to define the course conditions in terms of duration,
        Finding a course: a few websites                                                     time and conditions of work as well as its objectives. There are institutions of
        o   The French-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (lists of                  higher education which make the approach of proposing courses (work placements)
          companies, job offers and requests, CV drafting):        during any training curricula which lend themselves to it, supported by their
        o  The Franco-Hungarian Centre for Commerce and Industry:              placement service. The allocation of ECTS in the light of the workload given to
                                                                                             students on courses is the responsibility of the establishment, sometimes after
        o The Embassy's Economic                 validation of the course.
          Service                                                                            Certain rules apply:
        o  A site for posting a CV online:                                      o  courses may not exceed half the length of the curriculum
        o                                             o  mandatory courses must be integrated into the curriculum and assessed
        o  Courses at the BALASSI Institute:                                         o   institutions of higher education must ensure that the courses correspond to
        o  Hungarian businesses:                             the objective fixed by the training programme
        o  Placement agencies:
        o  Press: - -

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