Page 16 - Career-Guidance-in-Sweden
P. 16
Ethical guidelines and the
Council of Ethics
The Swedish Association of Guidance The Declaration of Ethics is based on the
Counsellors has developed a Declaration ethical values found in the UN’s Universal
of Ethics to provide support for people Declaration of Human Rights, the EU
who provide guidance, as well as for resolution on guidance 9286/04 and the
those who need guidance. It states that ILO convention on professional guidance,
a professional guidance counsellor no. 142.
should be familiar with knowledge of
human encounters and relationships, The association has also appointed a
and should strive to help others achieve Council of Ethics, the task of which is to
their goals and needs. However, conflicts consider issues in the ethics of guidance
between diverging interests can arise counselling. It can also assist in resolving
and different needs and obligations have dilemmas and offer support when
to be balanced, so the guidelines are decisions are particularly difficult.
meant to aid ethical consideration of such
dilemmas in guidance work.
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