Page 19 - Educational-Iceland
P. 19

All universities offer guidance services, the most usual being:
          l personal counselling;
          l group counselling;
          l management of services for students with disabilities;
          l counselling on study-related problems and facilitating learning environment;
          l evaluating and designing research in given fields, providing information on educational
            opportunities locally and internationally;
          l (at the University of Iceland) teaching and training students e.g. at the guidance study
            programmes mentioned above. Other universities offer workplace training for students
            in counselling.

          Guidance counsellors working at university level refer their clients to databanks on the
          Internet and to specialised information offices.

          Open consulting hours are on offer at both the University of Iceland and the University of
          Reykjavík, which also offer e-guidance and have their own Facebook pages.
 5. Guidance in universities  Annually, the University Day is held, where all the universities in Iceland introduce their
          education offers and counselling services. Additionally, upper secondary schools are visited
          and a special emphasis is placed on visiting schools outside Reykjavík.
 Seven institutions offer tertiary education. Four of them are run by the state, the other three
 are private. To be allowed admission, students are required to have passed the matriculation
 examination, have finished other equivalent education or have, in the view of the university
 in question, acquired equivalent maturity and knowledge. The universities can impose further
 admission requirements, including admission tests.

 Degrees on offer are diploma, bachelor, master and doctorate. Typical study time varies and
 it is common that people (re)enter university after several years of working. The main norm
 is that bachelor’s studies take three years, master’s degree another two and doctoral studies
 another two or three.

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