Page 8 - Euroguidance-Brochure-Recent-Developments-in-Guidance-Belgium
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Reform of the Pupil Guidance System
Based on an audit of the pupil guidance centres (CLBs) and a vast consultation round, a concept note on the reform
of pupil guidance centres in Flanders was proposed by the Minister of Education and Training and approved by
the Flemish Government in 2015. Two years later, the Flemish Government approved the preliminary draft of the
decree on pupil guidance in primary and secondary education and the pupil guidance centres.
The new decree comes into effect on the 1st September 2018.
AIM(S) Overall, services offered by pupil guidance centres
(CLBs) should become more visible and easily accessible
The reform aims to place pupils in an even more central to all pupils and parents. It is recommended that CLBs
position in the pupil guidance process. are available during and after parents’ working hours.
CLBs carry out medical check-ups, from the 2nd year
TARGET GROUP(S) in kindergarten onwards. The current approach will be
reviewed and tasks will be redistributed between nurses,
All pupils in primary and secondary education. paramedics and doctors, which can create space to get
doctors more involved in complex situations and the
multidisciplinary teams.
The roles and responsibilities of schools, pupil guidance RESULTS AND IMPACT
centres, pedagogic guidance services and external
welfare partners will be clearly defined. Cooperation and The feasibility of school inspection parallel to CLB
scale-up should allow for even better mission accom- inspection will be researched. Inspection could for
plishment, which is necessary for better follow-up of example ascertain how schools and CLBs collaborate on
young people changing schools regularly. pupil guidance.
Recent Developments in Guidance - Belgium | Chapter 1 | Policy initiatives, networks and working groups
Flanders subsidises 72 CLBs which all together employ
about 3.000 staff.
Schools are the main partner in the support of pupils
with care needs. The aim is that every primary and sec- Marie Kruyfthooft
ondary school has a designated care manager or care Policy Advisor
team. Pupil guidance remains the primary responsibility Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
of our school and the school’s care policy should be an Koning Albert II-laan 15
integral part of the wider school policy. 1210 Brussel
CLBs offer pupil centred guidance and refer to external [email protected]
services where appropriate.
CLBs are the link between education and welfare and
external support services are a crucial partner. Finally, geleiding-door-samenwerking
pedagogic guidance services support schools and CLBs
through the provision of training.
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