Page 3 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2011-autumn
P. 3
Were you inspired by other countries? Where do you see challenges?
When setting up the eGuidance services We are currently developing further Short news
in Denmark we have been inspired by channels of guidance. We have decided to
other countries, i.e. Learn Direct in the UK try guidance via social media and have Euroguidance Centre in Croatia
and the experiences made in Sweden. We chosen Face-book for this project. This
Since January 2011 the Agency
have recently shared our experiences with entails challenges and experiences, which for Mobility and EU Programmes
the members of a working group within are completely different from working has been acting as Croatia's new
the European Lifelong Guidance Policy with tradition-al channels. Euroguidance centre. Its main
Network, and next year we will give a activities will be targeted at guid-
ance counsellors in the employ-
presentation to the Nordic Baltic Excerpt of an interview conducted by
ment sector and their counter-
Euroguidance Centres. Birtha Theut, Euroguidance Denmark. parts in the educational system.
Read the complete interview here: The centre's main goal is to help develop their competence by in-
formation on current develop-
ments in the field of lifelong guid-
ance, guidance and counselling
Cross Border Seminar: May 2011 in Budapest practices in Europe and on mobi-
lity opportunities through the EU
programmes. Still, the task to
This year Euroguidance Hungary hosted psychological methods and new ensure that everyone interested
the annual cross-border seminar called counselling concepts and practices. 65 in education and training abroad
will have access to information
“Innovative Tools and Methods in Career participants attended the initial plenary
on learning mobility opportune-
Guidance and Counselling” which took session where guidance as a profession ties in Europe has priority.
place on 17-18 May in Budapest. was explained from the Hungarian point
of view. Delegates chose from parallel
The cross-border cooperation, which workshops led by international experts.
prepared the seminar in terms of con- The closing plenary session touched on
tent, was founded in 2005 with three the recent European issues on lifelong
Euroguidance centres (Austria, Czech and guidance and counselling and presented a
Slovak Re-public). At present four more summary of each workshop. The full
Euroguidance Centres (Germany, programme and documents of each
Slovenia, Poland and Hungary) are plenary session and workshop are
participating. The main objective of the available on the following website, as well
cross-border cooperation is to organise as the compendium, which contains the
seminars for guidance practitioners and description of each workshop. The
policy makers to provide them with a participating countries also contributed to
wide range of topics related to their a national survey relating to the topics of Dragana Glivetic, Project Officer
professional fields. the cross-border seminar. It is also on this
The Agency for Mobility and EU
In 2011 Hungary took over the task of Programmes is likewise the Nati-
onal Agency and therefore res-
organising the cross-border seminar The cross-border cooperation will ponsible for the implementation
particularly with regard to the Hungarian continue its work with new countries of both the Lifelong-Learning Pro-
EU Presidency. The seminar was focused joining the group. The host of next year’s gramme and Youth-in-Action Pro-
gramme in Croatia. Funded in
on innovative and practical tools and seminar will be Euroguidance Slovenia.
2007, the Agency is also respon-
methods used in career guidance and
sible for the promotion and im-
counselling. As usual each participating Ágnes Cserkúti, Euroguidance Hungary plementation of other EU pro-
country sent a workshop leader who grammes and initiatives: Euro-
contributed to one of the major topics pass, Eurodesk, Euraxess and
offered: innovative ICT tools used in Erasmus Mundus. For more infor-
career guidance and counselling, new mation, please contact us:
psychological [email protected]