Page 3 - Festival-Flash-Report
P. 3

A look to the future: some key messages:

                        European Validation Festival
               If lifelong and lifewide learning is to become a reality, validation is essential. Validation must be an
                 integral building block of education and training, employment and social policies. But connecting these
                                 14-15 June 2018, The Egg, Brussels
                 diverse worlds is still a challenge. How to design and deliver effective lifelong learning? The following
                 suggestions were discussed: increasing sustainability and scalability of projects; more financial support
                 to move from project level to mainstreamed reality; more integrated projects with multiple stakeholders
                 involved; building a community of practices across Europe; digital technologies complement personal
                 contacts and break down isolation.
               A closer involvement of employment and good bridges between education and work are urgently
                 required. How can this be done? Put the learner's needs and experiences at the centre; facilitate joint
                 work on validation methods and standards; develop professional standards bridging the EQF and
                 validation; commitment of all stakeholders from the beginning of the validation process.
               Without guidance no validation: but how to organise and finance? Validation is linked to individual
                 learning pathways independent of where, when and how learning takes place. Therefore validation
                 should be embedded in the whole learning experience and linked, for example, to assessment and
                 guidance. Guidance professionals should be more familiar with validation, as they are also the first line
                 of support for disadvantaged learners.  Support their professional development.
               Trust in validation is created through: commitment and active participation from the start by all
                 stakeholders; integrated systems across countries; networking and cooperation; shared quality
                 assurance; further research on reliability and validity of instruments.
               Put validation of transversal skills on top of the future agenda.
               Message on the future to policy makers and practitioners: "Think big, not small” "

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