Page 120 - Professionalising-career-guidance-practitioner-competences-and-qualification-routes-in-Europe
P. 120
Professionalising career guidance
Practitioner competences and qualification routes in Europe TI-AF-09-001-EN-C
The competence of career guidance staff makes an essential contribution to
the quality of career guidance services. This report confirms that current
training provision for such staff is highly variable between countries and sectors
in Europe, although there is clear movement towards more specialised training.
Opportunities for staff mobility are limited, particularly between education and
labour market sectors and from paraprofessional to professional roles. The
review reports recent trends in training provision, key issues requiring attention
and possible actions by policy makers, trainers and practitioners. It includes six
detailed case studies of countries that have taken coordinated action to
address national issues. The report addresses the concept of competence and
defines the specific competences needed by career guidance practitioners. It
proposes a competence framework relevant to their work, and explores the
ways in which the competence framework may be used, including the creation
of more flexible and coherent training pathways for individual staff.
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