Page 6 - The-Academic-value-of-mobility-2018
P. 6
Summary of the project’s
The academic value of exchange studies
can be made more apparent by adapting
the content and structure of courses and
The project proposes that higher education institutions (HEIs) internationalise
the intended learning outcomes of courses and programmes by producing or clar-
ifying their international and intercultural aspects.
Internationalised intended learning outcomes can facilitate an understanding of
the academic value of student exchanges among students and staff, facilitate guid-
ance and encourage student exchanges, which may increase the number of out-
ward students in the long term. In particular, internationalised intended learning
outcomes emphasise how internationalisation affects all students, not only those
who participate in exchanges.
An important prerequisite for the implementation of the project’s proposals is
that there are periods during a programme in which it is possible to conduct
exchanges and that there are student exchange agreements with foreign HEIs.
The project proposes that clear opportunities for exchange are identified and
highlighted in programme syllabi, for example by establishing mobility windows,
clarifying how an exchange can be part of the programme.
Guidance can be developed – coordinated,
proactive guidance provides results
The project proposes proactive guidance on opportunities for student exchange
from the very start of the study period, to then be repeated throughout the study
period. Student surveys can provide a useful basis for this process.
Additionally, there is a proposal for coordinated guidance activities with shared
objectives and clear guidelines for guidance on exchanges based on the student’s
programme and qualification requirements. The pilot projects confirm that guid-
ance is more effective if HEIs coordinate the work of various staff categories and
clarify the academic value of student exchanges.
The project would also like programme co-ordinators and teaching staff to play
an important role in student guidance.