Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2014-autumn
P. 6

Studying abroad improves job opportunities

             New Research from the European Commission on Erasmus
             After completing higher education, it is easier to attain a job having studied or completed
             a work placement abroad. Young European people with higher education degrees perform
             better  in  the  labour  market  if  international  experience  is  on  their  CVs.  This  is  the
             conclusion  of  an  extensive  study,  which  has  examined  the  benefits  of  the  Erasmus
             exchange programme, conducted by the European Commission.

             Five  years  after  completing  higher  education,  the
             unemployment rate is 23 percent lower for former
             students who have gone on an Erasmus exchange
             programme,  compared  to  those  who  did  not  go
             abroad in connection to their education. In addition,
             the  likelihood  of  experiencing  long-term
             unemployment  is  halved  for  former  exchange
             students,  when  compared  to  those  who  have  not
             travelled internationally during their studies.

             Students  who  study  abroad  or  complete  a  work
             placement  abroad  gain  international  experience
             and possess, to a greater extent, qualities such as
             openness,  tolerance,  curiosity  and  the  ability  to
             solve problems, the study shows. These attributes
             are pointed at as important competencies by more
             than  92  percent  of  those  employers  who  were
             asked what they look for when hiring new members
             of staff.

             Moreover,  the  study  shows  that  more            Effects of an Erasmus stay abroad:
             than  one  in  three  of  those  who  have
             completed  a  work  placement  with  the     • the  Erasmus  Impact  Study  is  the  most  extensive
             Erasmus  programme  are  offered  a            study  of  its  kind  and  focuses  on  the  significance
             position  in  the  host  company.  Also,       which  Erasmus  stays  abroad  have  for  European
             one  in  ten  of  all  previous  Erasmus
             interns start their own business.            • the  survey  combines  both  qualitative  and
                                                            quantitative  interviews  with  almost  80,000
                                                            respondents  from  34  countries  –  including
                                                            students and companies
                        Read more about the
                           findings of the                 • tests  conducted  before  and  after  students  have
                       Commissions' Erasmus                 completed  their  exchange  abroad  shows  that
                           Impact Study:
                   Erasmus  students  score  higher  in  attributes  such
                                                            as  tolerance,  problem  solving  skills,  curiosity  and
                                                            awareness  of  own  strengths  and  weaknesses,
                       release_IP-14-1025_en.htm            even prior to the start of the exchange programme.
                                                            When  students  return,  the  difference  between  an
                                                            Erasmus  student  and  other  students  has
                                                            increased further regarding these qualities.

                                                          • the  survey  was  conducted  by  the  European
             Denise Rose Hansen and Birtha Theut            Commission  by  an  independent  consortium
             Euroguidance Denmark                           consisting  of  CHE  Consult,  Brussels  Education
                                                            Service,  Compostela  Group  of  Universities  and
                                                            Erasmus Student Network.


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