Page 27 - insights-autumn-2019
P. 27


          Three recommendations have been made to
          address the above aspects, namely:

            Recommendation 1: Review and reorganise the
            Framework for Career Guidance for Young
            People (Euroguidance, 2017) and make a
            difference for both newly-qualified teachers and
            experienced ones.                                    Interested in the complete study? Read the theses
                                                                 in the Dutch language:
            Recommendation 2: Include Career Education
            and Guidance competences in the competence           Loes Evers (2019): Het opleidingsaanbod LOB van
            profile of the secondary school teacher and          tweedegraads      lerarenopleidingen    en     de
            include modules related to Career Education          veranderende rol van de docent bij LOB: match or
            and Guidance in the training programme of            mismatch?
            grade-two teachers-in-training.            
            Recommendation 3: Design a tool for Career
            Education and Guidance which collects all            of-mismatch.aspx
            necessary information at a school on career
            guidance and education and monitors the
            development of the young people.
                                                                              Eva-Maria Ternité, eGuidance counsellor
                                                                                                Euroguidance Netherlands
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