100 technical terms (100Fachbegriffe)
The career orientation tool "100Fachbegriffe" explains the most important 100 technical terms from 10 occupational areas in 11 languages in words, pictures and sound. This breaks down language barriers and facilitates communication during internships and training.
In addition to native speakers, the service supports non-native-speaking students in lower secondary school and trainees in particular, e.g. in preparation for an internship.
Furthermore, the offer can contribute to lowering the subject-specific language barriers when adults take up employment. The tool can also be used as a reference tool by native-speaking trainees.

- Author / Originator: Federal Employment Agency Germany
- Country of origin Germany
- Main focus Mobility,
- Modality Remote
- Context Schools, Employment (PES)
- Type Tool
- Target group Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, VET Students, Disadvantaged groups, Migrants
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
- Website https://www.100-fachbegriffe.de