Euroguidance Cross Border Seminars (CBS) bring together guidance counsellors, policy makers, experts and other practitioners from different European countries to exchange their expertise and innovative guidance practices. Experts lead thematic workshops on current European guidance topics and guidance methods during a two-day seminar.

It all started back in 2005 when Euroguidance Centres from three neighboring countries – Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia – decided to join forces and gather National experts to discuss current trends and important guidance-related topics. Over the past years, more and more National Euroguidance Centres have recognised the importance of networking and exchanging practical tools and counselling methods, which is why the number of countries participating in the Cross Border Seminar has been growing ever since. Today, the countries regularly participating in the Cross Border Seminars are Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

If you are interested in the results of the past Cross Border Seminars CLICK HERE

If you are interested in participating in a Cross Border Seminar, please contact your national Euroguidance centre in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, LatviaPoland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia or Slovenia.