Mutual exchange and peer-learning is essential for guidance practitioners to reflect on their practice, enrich their toolbox and grow as professionals. In Euroguidance, we are dedicated to inspiring innovation and professionalism in career guidance through international cooperation. 

For the last three years, Estonia has asked Academia participants to bring and present a method, tool, or approach from their daily work to their fellow peers during the Academia week. They have been combined to a compendium of practises in English. The compendiums have proven to be a meaningful and useful source for guidance practitioners both in Estonia and the rest of Europe as they provide tools to a wide variety of target groups and settings – both to use on the go or provide the possibility to use new angles in the guidance work. 

You are holding in your hands the Compendium of Practices from Academia learning mobility in Estonia, May 2022. Since this is the third such compendium we can already call it a series. You are most welcome to visit the online compendia e-Academia learning mobility in Estonia 2020 and Career guidance in higher education and employment offices 2021.

In spring 2022, we hosted ten career practitioners from seven countries in Estonia. We wanted to challenge ourselves and for the first time in Academia history focused on international mobility - how to support people who want to study or work abroad and need further career guidance. Each of the participants was asked to present their practice. The contributions vary from one another as some are broader initiatives while the rest are practical methods to use during one-to-one or group sessions. 

We hope to inspire you!