Academia Slovenia 2024: Transition from education to labour market

Sabina Škarja, Euroguidance Slovenia national coordinator
Euroguidance Slovenia organised an Academia event between the dates of the 15th and 18th of April. The focus of the event was on the transition from education to the labour market. The Employment Service of Slovenia has been the hosting and sending organisation for Academia study visits of guidance practitioners since 2008.
Ten guidance practitioners from Cyprus, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Spain learned about the labour market, guidance tools, services and best practices at various locations which included; the Employment Service of Slovenia, School centre Škofja Loka, Biotechnical education centre Ljubljana, project learning for young adults – NEETs and Nefiks career services for youth.
The focus was on the transition between education and labour market to provide guidance practitioners a learning mobility experience and international networking opportunities. The participants had possibilities for discussions about various guidance related issues among guidance practitioners to exchange guidance practices among themselves and other experts. The participants learn about guidance in Slovenia in different settings, focusing on transitions from education to labour market and exchange national practices from participating countries.
The participating guidance practitioners were asked to prepare a short description of a method, practice or initiative from their daily practice to support exchange of information and good examples of guidance practices. You can read more about these in Academia Slovenia 2024 booklet Transition from education to labour market.
Academia is a network that offers training opportunities for guidance practitioners in European countries. The participants have a chance to get to know the guidance system and guidance practices in another European country.