The Euroguidance Network ‘Competence Development Group’ continues to organize FREE webinars on topics of interest for the European Guidance Community. Euroguidance Serbia recently hosted a webinar entitled “Phases of adjustment as part of the mobility process”.

Through this webinar Euroguidance Serbia presented their current framework of support for learners during periods of mobility. The Webinar host was Ružica Madžarević career guidance counselor working on the development and implementation of various career guidance activities in the Serbian Euroguidance center.

Webinar participants had opportunity to hear more and discuss the topics below:

  • the different phases of adjustment  experienced by individuals during periods of mobility
  • individual emotional needs of individuals during mobility
  • what we, as guidance practitioners, need to pay attention to when planning support for individuals engaged in mobility

 *Mobility refers to individuals moving to another institution inside or outside of their own country to study or work for a limited time.

 You can find the recording of the webinar available below.