Austrian Euroguidance Conference 2023 - a lookback

The annual Euroguidance conference in Austria, themed "Skills for the Future" illuminated the evolving role of guidance in today's dynamic world of work. Approximately 90 participants found inspiration in captivating presentations, engaged in discussions on the future of work, and delved into the significance of career guidance amidst the changing landscape of the labor market through five workshops and a methods market. The methods market additionally provided attendees with the chance to acquaint themselves with Erasmus+ projects. It was a day brimming with national and European networking, fostering connections, and sparking innovative ideas!
in the event review, you can find power-point slides of the following key notes and workshops:
- Euroguidance im Europäischen Jahr der Kompetenzen
Carin Dániel Ramírez-Schiller, OeAD - Lifelong Guidance in Österreich – wo stehen wir aktuell?
Palina Zhohal, BMBWF - Sustainable careers and career shocks
Jos Akkermans,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Workshop 1 - Erfahrung sinnvoll nutzen
Annelies Mutschlechner andHelga Schwarz, bildungsinfo-tirol - Workshop 2 - Ready or Not, Here We Come
Daniel Hailemariam, Hailemariam Consulting, Sweden - Workshop 3 - Kompetenzen entwickeln für die Zukunft
Milica Tomić-Schwingenschlögl and Stefan Aragao-Zell, Arbeitsmarktservice Wien - Workshop 4 - Neue Wege in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung
Sigrid Awart, Verein Peregrina - Workshop 5 - Transversal Skills and Competence Assessment
Rebeca García Murias, University of Santiago de Compostela and Sandra Klein, bildungsinfo-tirol
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#EuroguidanceConference2023 #SkillsForTheFuture #Guidance #EuropeanYearofSkills