Available webinar recording: “Perspectives in Social and Emotional Learning and Career Development: innovative research and promising practice”

Euroguidance network in the scope of the activities of Competence Development Task Group and Euroguidance center in Romania organized a webinar on the topic “Perspectives in Social and Emotional Learning and Career Development: innovative research and promising practice” which was held on 25th November 2020.
During the webinar Professor Dr. V. Scott H. Solberg from Boston University, the U.S. presented the dimensions of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and the impact on career development. He presented the results of an international research project on Social Emotional Learning and Career Development, acknowledged by the World Education Research Association (WERA) as an International Research Network. Romania’s results of this international research project were introduced by Dr. Andreea Scoda, a researcher at the National Centre for Policies and Evaluation in Education (NCPEE) Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Angela Andrei, a researcher at the NCPEE Bucharest, Romania illustrated an example of good practice from Romania – ‘Programmes and activities of counselling for the development of students' socio-emotional skills. Guide for school counsellors’ (2020), addressed to students from elementary education, lower secondary education, higher secondary education, and vocational education and training (VET). More information about the topic of the webinar is available here.
In case you missed this event, the webinar recording is available here.
The webinar and webinar recording is technically supported by Euroguidance Serbia.