Career Guidance for the Green Economy - Irish National Forum on Guidance

The Irish National Forum on Guidance provides a communication and cooperation facility for those involved nationally and internationally in the provision of guidance and the development and support of guidance practitioners and services. Participants include organisations and individuals providing and supporting guidance delivery in both the education and the public employment sector. Each Forum is intended to inspire participants in their practice or in their work developing guidance related policies and provide a greater comprehension of the overarching societal function guidance performs.
The NCGE National Forum on Guidance of November 2021 concluded a series of Fora discussions on the role of Guidance for Sustainability. As part of proceedings the Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD, addressed the topic of ‘Career Opportunities in the Green and Zero Carbon Economy’. In his address the Minister outlined the substantial number and diverse nature of new career opportunities this significantly expanding sector affords.
Tony Dalton, Director, Further Education and Training Services, Laois/Offaly ETB and Catherine Gavigan, Guidance Coordinator Co Offaly Adult Guidance Service, outlined work undertaken in that region of Ireland in relation to the “Green Economy” and the role of guidance in supporting learners and individuals to consider courses and jobs in this sector.
Subsequent presentations and discussions led by NCGE Director, Jennifer McKenzie, focussed on the initial development of NCGE good practice guidelines for “Green Guidance”. The overarching aim being the incorporation of such guidelines into any future National Guidance Strategy; ensuring that sustainable and green guidance principals underpin the future development and delivery of national guidance practice.
You can access the video recording, presentations (and more) from the November 2021 Forum HERE