With five years of tradition, Career Night remains one of the most intriguing events for career skills development. Organized by the Association of Career Specialists of Lithuania, a team of 6-8 career consultants visits schools to conduct all-night career activities.

The event typically starts at 6 PM and continues until 6 AM, inviting students from grades 8 to 12 to participate. Usually, there are 70-90 participants. The goal is to focus on career topics for one night, offering a unique and intensive learning experience. Despite its intensity, the variety of activities and the balance between learning and fun ensure maximum engagement and benefit. The sequence of activities has been optimized for the best performance.

So, what do we do all night long?

We start with registration and divide all participants into four groups.

The team of consultants introduces themselves, followed by team-building exercises for about an hour.

We set up rules for the event, with students brainstorming and voting on them.

Next, we have a training session for all participants. Last time, we played a “Skills Workshop” card game featuring different professions and competencies.

Afterwards, we split into four groups, and four lecturers start their 40-minute classes, with groups rotating every 40 minutes.

To add variety and stimulate different parts of the brain, we include an African drumming session in midnight. There is a break with pizza and donuts, followed by a disco break, and then we return to learning.

As the night progresses, we play career-themed board games, watch inspiring movies for career insights, and engage in a career quiz.

Finally, we gather for a closing event to share feedback, reflect on our new experiences, and express gratitude and compliments.

Naturally, the day after the night event is free from classes.

CAREER NIGHT  a career exploration event concept for 8-12 graders
  • Author / Originator: Association of Career Specialists of Lithuania
  • Country of origin Lithuania
  • Resource launch date September 01, 2019
  • Main focus Career Development
  • Modality Presential
  • Context Schools
  • Type Intervention
  • Target group Secondary School Students, Post-Secondary School Students
  • This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
  • Website https://lksa.lt/