CLBch@t is a cross-network initiative of the pupil guidance centres (CLB) in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region. Through the service, pupils, parents and school staff can initiate anonymous online chats with a trained CLB staff member. CLB chats can cover any of the four areas covered by the pupil guidance centres :

1) Learning & studying (reading/speech/writing, intelligence, learning difficulties, …)

2) (Education) career guidance (study-choice guidance, monitoring of compulsory education, information on the education system and the labor market, working with guidance tools, …).

3) Preventative health care (medical check-ups, vaccinations, information on nutrition / substance abuse / mental health issues ….)

4) Socio-emotional development (behavioral problems, social skills, emotional problems, …)

The service provides simultaneous, multidisciplinary availability of a team of CLB staff (Mon, Tue, Wedn and Thu 2-9 pm). In a first step, the chat query is clarified and put into context. In a next step, information and advice are provided. Where appropriate, clients are referred to their local CLB or the wider network - via a tailored medium/channel.

A total of 5.465 chats were registered during 2018-19, which is an increase of 25% compared to '17-18. Most chats (90,87%) are with pupils, but the chats with parents are also increasing (9,13%). Educational guidance was the most popular topic (12% of pupil chats, 27% of parent chats). 

CLBch@t has made access to the pupil guidance centres (CLBs) easier and less daunting. Pupils and parents can now also reach pupil guidance counsellors outside regular opening times. CLBch@t offers pupils, parents and teachers the unique opportunity to ask for information and support in an accessible, focused and rapid manner. The service applies the method of solution-oriented action. All staff are professionals with extensive training and experience in the (CLB) care and support system.

On several occasions the service received positive reviews and feedback in the press. CLBch@t is valued by its stakeholders in Flanders and further afield.

CLBcht  -Pupil Guidance Centers Chat Service
  • Author / Originator: The pupil guidance center umbrellas (GO! CLB, VCLB, OVSG CLB, POV CLB)
  • Country of origin Belgium (Dutch speaking)
  • Resource launch date February 01, 2016
  • Main focus Career Development, Access to Guidance Services
  • Modality Remote
  • Context Schools
  • Type Intervention,
  • Target group Primary School Students, Secondary School Students, Parents, (Secondary School Students includes VET students at this education level )
  • This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
  • Website