BRIDGE+ Conference
BRIDGE+ conference
BRIDGE+ Conference "Skills for the future: regional initiatives now! How can regional actors create innovative strategies for skills policies that work for people, companies and regions?"
This conference is organized by EARLALL and will gather key experts from the European level and from European regions, providing insights into the ongoing revision of the European Adult Education Agenda, a priority-to-be for the upcoming Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, and skills policies. Erasmus+ BRIDGE+ results are a base for discussion, looking into a digital future of education and career guidance.
Date and time: 9 June 2021, 9:30-11:30 (CEST)
Event agenda:
Learn more about BRIDGE+:

- Event date June 09 - 09, 2021
- Venue Online
- Organiser EARLALL
- Event cost free of charge
- Event website