C-STEP 2 “Future jobs”
On-line training: C-STEP2 “Future jobs”
C-STEP2 “Future jobs” is one of three C-STEPs, which are part of “Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies”.
The four main units include following focal themes: Industry 4.0 and the impact on labour; Challenges and opportunities for companies within Industry 4.0; Upcoming trends; New skills and competences.
The online training course includes lectures from invited professionals, workshops with group work, sections for questions and answers etc. The training is based on the outcomes of literature and resources reviews from all partner countries as well as an analysis of an online questionnaire answered by counselors, practitioners and experts regarding the topic future jobs from countries throughout Europe.

- Event date March 09 - 18, 2021
- Registration deadline 2021-02-26
- Venue On-line
- Organiser Academia+ partners from Germany, Lithuania, Portugal, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom
- Event cost free of charge
- Event website https://academiaplus.eu/c-step-2/