Migration and inclusion
The Cross Border Seminar Compendia consist of two parts:
- A national survey on the respective main topic of the Cross Border Seminar with the aim to collect country-specific information on the main topic and to give an overall picture on the current situation in the countries
- Expert articles on the results of the workshops(„Compendium“)
Below you will find a list of all available CBS compendia and National surveys.If you would like to know more about the Cross Border Seminars click here.
More than 80 career counsellors and guidance experts from Europe met in Dresden from 23.05. - 24.05.2023 to learn from each other and share many new ideas and good examples from guidance practice in their countries. The Cross Border Seminar in Dresden aimed to shed light on the role of guidance practitioners in a changing world and to provide a practical insight into their current guidance work and the challenges that guidance practitioners face on a daily basis. During the two days, the participants discussed how the demographic, digital and ecological structural change in education, occupation and employment affects the work of career counsellors and which knowledge and competences counsellors will need in the future to be able to give their clients the best possible orientation and decision-making support in their career planning.
2022-Hope in time of uncertainty- Riga, Latvia
The theme of “Hope in times of uncertainty” was chosen as a reflection of the need to support both clients and guidance practitioners in the context of the covid recovery period and the Russian aggression. Prior to the seminar two main questions were addressed in national surveys submitted by CBS group members to the host country: (i) factors causing uncertainty in individuals making career decisions and (ii) approaches for helping clients deal with uncertainty and for career practitioners to manage stress.
2020 - Transitions as a Process: The Role of Guidance – Lisbon, Portugal (Online)
The online seminar focused on the questions of what role guidance plays in a changing world of work and life and what guidance services are available to meet these challenges? Demographic change, technical progress, digitalization, flexibilization and individualization are having an increasing impact on a person's professional life, which is already characterized by a large number of professional transitions, whether from school to training, from training to working life and during working life, as well as in the context of re-entry and/or professional reorientation.
2020 - Voice of the client in career guidance – Bratislava, Slovakia (Online)
The purpose of the first virtual Cross Border Seminar was to examine the notion of user voice in design and delivery of career guidance services. Although this notion has become prevalent in the career guidance discourse over the last decades, it carries significant challenges with itself. Professor Ronald Sultana, the seminar’s main speaker, argued that even though this concept is widely perceived as enabling, progressive and democratic, it might be also problematic when approached from wider perspective.
2019 - Skills for the future - Bled, Slovenia
The seminar aimed to discuss national contexts and examples of initiatives that are available for guidance counsellors and end users to discover and improve their skills with focus to address skills needed in future as well. Due to current fast technological development guidance counsellors are facing questions about changing nature of careers/occupations and (future) skills needed on the labour market. Guidance counsellors discussed handling these challenges while counselling their clients regarding their career paths.
2018 - Guidance and counselling in the school curriculum - Bucharest, Romania
The seminar focused on guidance and counselling in the school curriculum and especially on innovative ideas and experiences of the practitioners. The Cross-Border Seminar 2018 gathered practitioners, experts and decision makers from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia with the aim to exchange ideas and examples of innovative practices in guidance and counselling. Around 100 participants joined the Seminar in Bucharest.
2017 - Guidance 4.0: Innovative Practices for New Skills – Sofia, Serbia
The seminar focused on new innovative practices in guidance, especially the ones using ICT, to develop career management skills (CMS), key competencies and other skills needed in the contemporary world of work and living. Guidance 4.0 relates to the 4.0 code that is used in industry, education (Education 4.0, Industry 4.0) and other fields as a mark of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Impact of it is recognized as numerous rapid changes that shift perspectives and demand to adapt and therefore redefine how we understand education, labour market, responsibilities and world around us.
2016 - Cross Cultural Guidance and International Careers – Integrating Migrants and Minorities- Potsdam, Germany
More than 100 participants from 14 countries exchanged their professional experiences, discussed new ideas, networked and presented successful integration projects as well as innovative counselling approaches in an intercultural context. What components make up good educational and vocational guidance with regard to the special requirements of supporting migrants and minorities, and how can they become a key to successful integration? It became clear that cross-border, collective learning is essential for overcoming these common challenges and thus for thinking and growing together in Europe.
2015 – Guidance Crossing Borders – Retz, Austria
This publication of national surveys and workshop articles is based on the responses of the national surveys and articles from experts who leaded workshops relating to the Cross Border Seminar organised in Retz, Austria. By collecting the responses received from the Euroguidance centres of the participating countries this document intends to provide readers with an international overview regarding methods, techniques and tools to diagnose competences in participating countries.
2014 – Counselling Methods for Fighting Youth Unemployment – Zagreb, Croatia
Youth unemployment is a growing problem in Europe, with significant consequences for individuals, communities, society and economy. As career counsellors play a vital role in providing guidance services to young people, their training is crucial for improving their skills and competences. This is exactly what the 2014 edition of the Euroguidance Cross Border Seminar aimed for; to help counsellors exchange good practices and discussing innovative approaches to tackling the important issue of youth unemployment.
2013 – Methods, techniques and tools to diagnose competences – Warsaw, Poland
This publication of national surveys and workshop articles is based on the responses of the national surveys and articles from experts who leaded workshops relating to the Cross Border Seminar organised in Warsaw, Poland. By collecting the responses received from the Euroguidance centres of the participating countries this document intends to provide readers with an international overview regarding methods, techniques and tools to diagnose competences in participating countries.
2012 – Career Management Skills – Bled, Slovenia
People in today’s day and age are required to proactively navigate the world of work, to be a protagonist of their own life project. And this is exactly what career management skills are. The term means the ability to lead and self-monitor the process of career planning, including setting goals and developing strategies to achieve them – and to do so continually. This of course includes a multitude of concrete skills and competences. Career management skills are gaining importance in the minds (and actions) of the professionals particularly because the world of work is changing.
2011 – Innovative Tools and Methods in Career Guidance and Counselling – Budapest, Hungary
The theme of this year’s seminar was the introduction of innovative tools, focusing on the development of psychological and ICT tools. The event provided an opportunity for the 65 delegates from seven countries for intensive professional dialogue and exchange of practice. The seminar outputs are gathered in this compendium.
2010 – Who Cares for Those Who Care? – Bratislava, Slovakia
Professional care for those who daily deal with problems and needs of others (such as guidance practitioners, school counsellors, psychologists, etc.) is often neglected as it is seen as secondary to field of guidance. However, personnel are the core essence of all these services. Also professionalization of guidance counselling is not possible without paying particular attention to training, education and personal needs of practitioners.
- Event date June 26 - 28, 2018
- Venue Lisbon, Portugal
- Organiser University of Lisbon
- Event cost Varies according to category, see website for details
- Event website http://www.migrationcenter.org/