Digitalization as Challenge for Vocational, Professional and Higher Education in Light of Labour Market Demands
4th Forum of Vocational Education Europass and Euroguidance
We are pleased to invite you to participate online in the 4th Forum of Vocational Education Europass and Euroguidance, organized by Polish National Europass and Euroguidance Center, which will be held online on 2-3 December 2024.
This year’s theme is “Digitalization as Challenge for Vocational, Professional and Higher Education in Light of Labour Market Demands on the Eve of the Polish Presidency in the UE Council”. The conference will bring together experts, practitioners, and representatives from educational institutions across Europe, providing an excellent opportunity for collaboration and discussions on current challenges in vocational education.
Conference Program:
The broadcast of the event will be available on the website: and on out YouTube channel
We encourage you to follow the Forum website, the Europass and Euroguidance profile on Facebook http://www/, use of all the components of the digital Europass and and follow the news on and new National Euroguidance Center website and to use a wide range of competence and substantive resources and resources, e.g. support for Erasmus+ VET beneficiaries, i.e. the National Expert Team for Vocational Education and Training (EVET)
Best regards,
Polish National Europass & Euroguidance Centre, and VET Experts National Team (EVET)

- Event date December 02 - 03, 2024
- Venue hybrid
- Organiser Polish National Europass and Euroguidance Center
- Event cost free of charge
- Event website