Euroguidance webinar "Green Guidance"
Euroguidance webinar "Green Guidance"
Euroguidance Webinar ‘Green Guidance’, 23rd June ’23 (12h30-13h45 CET)
This webinar will focus on how lifelong guidance can contribute to shaping a greener, more sustainable future for everyone. During the webinar, you will learn more about green guidance and its relevance in today’s rapidly changing world. Following a research-based introduction, you will discover examples of how green guidance can be embedded in guidance practice, such as the ‘green jobs’ project and a publication on green training and education.
Can green guidance meet current challenges in the field of lifelong guidance?
Does green guidance have limitations?
We cordially invite you to participate in this next Euroguidance network webinar.
- Welcome (Euroguidance Network)
- Introduction to Green Guidance (Prof. Dr. Tristram Hooley, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences / University of Derby, UK)
- Green guidance in practice: Examples, opportunities and limitations (Mrs. Jeanette Hammer, certified educational counsellor and career guidance counsellor, “Bildungs- und Berufsberatung Niederösterreich – Verband Niederösterreichischer Volkshochschulen” (Educational and Career Guidance Lower Austria - Association of Lower Austrian Adult Education Centers).
- Exchange/discussion (Euroguidance Network)
Please fill the registration form: until June 21th, 2023

- Event date June 23 - 23, 2023
- Registration deadline 2023-06-21
- Venue online
- Organiser Euroguidance Network
- Event cost free of charge