Green Guidance - Focusing on Green educational and career pathways
Green Guidance - Focusing on Green educational and career pathways
"Green Guidance" gives a broader perspective to career choices: which impulses can educational and career guidance provide in shaping a greener and more sustainable future for all? What is the environmental impact of a particular career path? What is the relevance of "Green skills"? And what is the role of companies in creating "Green jobs"?
At the Euroguidance Conference 2021, Prof. Dr. Peter Plant will introduce the topic in his speech on "Sustainability, Green Guidance, and Utopia". The keynote address is followed by an insight into new approaches in guidance with a focus on Green Jobs developed by Bildungsberatung Niederösterreich, Austria, and an exploration of the role of Lifelong Guidance in Sustainable Development as an example from Ireland. Anthony Mann, OECD, will give insight into OECD Research on Career Readiness.
Four parallel workshops will deepen the exchange on the topic.
We invite you to network and discuss with colleagues from Austria and Europe at the Euroguidance Conference 2021!
Registration for the conference and workshops is open now.
The team of Euroguidance Austria is looking forward to welcoming you at this online conference!
Click here to register
Programme (EN)

- Event date November 11 - 11, 2021
- Venue Online
- Organiser OeAD / Euroguidance Austria
- Event cost free of charge
- Event website