NICEC seminar - Has the pandemic transformed delivery of career guidance?

This seminar will take stock of work at the front-line over the last 20 months, exploring the creative responses employed and investigating key questions relating to shaping future research, policy and practice.

Outline programme

Experiences from the Front Line ~ Claire Nix will present a snap shot of challenges faced by advisers working in a range of settings: the swift move online, ethical considerations, gaps in academic progress, maturity and experience, the technological divide, groups with greatest needs and deficits

Ten changes we should sustain ~ Liane Hambly will offer a reflective response to the creative developments in our practice.

Discussion in break out rooms

> Implications for practice – training, support and supervision, regional approaches

> Opportunities for research

> Implications for policy including regional approaches

The presenters, Claire Nix and Liane Hambly are both career consultants, authors and trainers, each with more than 30 years experience in the career development field. In 2021 both Claire and Liane were awarded Fellowship of the Career Development Institute in recognition of their contribution to the field

Event date and time: 26 January 2022, 5.00 - 6.30pm on Zoom

For further information, see 


NICEC seminar Has the pandemic transformed delivery of career guidance Exploring changes in practice