ICT and Labour Market information, policy seminar, job matching, career guidance,

http://tiny.cc/SMARTLMI - Register here to reserve your place! 

Euroguidance UK is holding a seminar on the future of digitalisation in job matching and labour market information in Brussels on 21 June. This event is useful for anyone interested in new developments in policy and guidance to use EU labour market information and big data to support low skilled adults into employment. 

The digital revolution and decline of traditional industries means that the world of work and the opportunities in the labour market are rapidly evolving. People's perceptions around employment is not keeping pace with these changes. Tools are needed which make sure people both understand their own skills and how these skills relate to the current needs of the labour market. This half day seminar provides insight in the future of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in job matching, through various keynote speeches and an interactive session on the new SMART LMI app. 


9:30 - Welcome

9:40 - Presentation of the SMART LMI Project and First Results 

11:30 - Digitalisation and AI in Job Matching - Sven de Haeck, Public Employment Service of Flanders (VDAB)

12:15 - ESCO as a Facilitator in Job Matching - Dimitrios Pikios, Project Coordinator, ESCO, European Commission 

12:45 - Interactive session on the SMART LMI app

13:15 - Light lunch and networking 

Find out more about the SMART LMI project at SMART LMI website

Trapstraat 22, Bruxelles, Belgium