Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance: Reflections on the Past and Looking Towards the Future (Live stream)

The Finnish Institute for Educational Research will host a seminar entitled “Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance: Reflections on the Past and Looking Towards the Future” on 9 June 2022 at 13:00 – 15:30 EET.

The Finnish Institute for Educational Research will host a seminar entitled “Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance: Reflections on the Past and Looking Towards the Future” on 9 June 2022 at 13:00 – 15:30 EET. (Refreshments available at 12:30-13:00).

Panel discussions will reflect on recent discourse on lifelong guidance systems and policy development in the Finnish context, and wider European and global perspectives. The panel participants will also discuss the repositioning of lifelong guidance in the light of future policy priorities.

You can participate by attending the event in Jyväskylä, or by following the live stream. Please note that the event will not be recorded.

If you would like to join us in Jyväskylä or online, the Finnish Institute for Educational Research kindly asks you to register by 1 June 2022 at:

 The event coincides with the retirement of Dr. Raimo Vuorinen, Project Manager at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research. In the registration form you have an opportunity to address questions in advance to Raimo and the panelists on issues you would like to be raised during the event.

Should you, or your organization, wish to celebrate Raimo’s work in this field through some form of gift we would like to propose that you make a donation to the children of Ukraine though a special UNICEF campaign (“Support for the children in Ukraine”) initiated to coincide with this event at:



12:30–13:00 Refreshments: Ruusupuisto lobby

13:00–13:05 Opening and welcome (in Finnish language)
Prof. Jussi Välimaa, Director, Finnish Institute for Educational Research

13:05–13:20 Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance in Finland (in Finnish language)
Dr. Raimo Vuorinen, Finnish Institute for Educational Research

13:20–14:00 Lifelong Guidance in the Heart of Lifelong Learning (in Finnish language)
In conversation with Raimo:

  • Ms. Teija Felt, Labour Market Counsellor, Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Co-chair, the Finnish LLG forum
  • Mr. Petri Lempinen, Director General, Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, Co-chair, the Finnish LLG forum
  • Mr. Ari-Pekka Leminen, Representative of the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in the ELGPN 2013–15

14:00–14:15 Break

The second half of the seminar will be conducted in English

14:15–14:30 Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance: Looking Towards the Future
Dr. Raimo Vuorinen, Project Manager, Finnish Institute for Educational Research

14:30–14:40 Developing National Career Development Support Systems
Dr. Pedro Moreno da Fonseca, Lifelong Learning Technical Specialist, International Labour Organisation

14:40–15:30 Repositioning and Transforming Lifelong Guidance
In conversation with Raimo:

  • Cynthia Harrison-Villalba CareersNet Coordinator, Project Manager, Department of VET and Skills, Cedefop
  • Dr. Tibor Bors Borbely-Pecze, Associate Professor, JWTC-HPS, Budapest, Hungary
  • Prof. Emeritus James P. Sampson, Jr., Florida State University, USA
Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance Reflections on the Past and Looking Towards the Future