WEBINAR - Insights into the success of the Bulgarian national school career guidance curriculum
WEBINAR - Insights into the success of the Bulgarian national school career guidance curriculum
Euroguidance Netherlands interviewed several interesting Guidance stakeholders around Europe seeking inspiration and examples of good practices.
Following this activity they would like to spread information about the Bulgarian approach.
The Guidance curriculum in Bulgaria has been developed for primary and secondary education and also includes specific guidelines for vulnerable groups to prevent early school leaving and for students with disabilities. The Guidance curriculum in Bulgaria has been optimised to provide a concise interactive environment where each mentor (for different Guidance themes) has access to work forms, materials and resources by simple mouse click for classroom activities.
Are you also curious about the very positive results of the pilot among 8,000 pupils from 42 schools across the country?
Join the webinar on 25 June from 15.00 to 16.00 (CET)
Nevena Rakovska, project manager at Business Foundation for Education, will be guest speaker to explain how the curriculum works.
You can register for participation at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8838819342341839885

- Event date June 25 - 25, 2019
- Venue Online
- Organiser Euroguidance Netherlands
- Event cost None
- Event website https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8838819342341839885