Euroguidance Netherlands

The Euroguidance programme, as well as the Erasmus+ programme for VET and Adult Education, in the Netherlands is hosted by CINOP.

By providing high-quality information, Euroguidance Netherlands wants to enhance transnational mobility in education and training within the European Union. In addition to promoting the European dimension in career activities, Euroguidance Netherlands also acts as a broker for good practices in the area of career guidance.

Euroguidance Netherlands provides career guidance in the widest sense: in education, the employment market, for job seekers, special target groups and the relationship between these. Euroguidance Netherlands focuses on career counsellors in all these areas, professionals, managers or policymakers who are involved in career guidance in one way or another. In consultation with the departments of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, activities are planned to help renew and coordinate the career systems in secondary education (VO).

Euroguidance Nederlands

Euroguidance Nederland is net als het Erasmus+ programma voor MBO en VE ondergebracht bij CINOP en heeft de volgende taken:

Informatie geven over opleidingsmogelijkheden in Nederland aan mensen uit andere Europese landen, die in Nederland `opleidingzoekend´ zijn.

Nederlanders informeren over de opleidingsmogelijkheden over de grens

De Europese dimensie in de loopbaanbegeleiding in Nederland bevorderen.

De contacten tussen loopbaanbegeleiders uit Nederland en andere Europese landen stimuleren.

Contact details


P.O. 1585

NL-5200 BP ’s-Hertogenbosch

Stationsplein 14

NL-5244 AP ‘s-Hertogenbosch

(+31) 73 6800762