In the Republic of North Macedonia, the National Center for Euroguidance is in the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility.

The goal of the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility is to work on the promotion and implementation of European programes in the field of education, training, youth, and sports in the Republic of North Macedonia.

By implementing these programmes, the National Agency contributes to the development of the community as a society based on advanced knowledge, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs, and greater social cohesion, while providing environmental protection for future generations and especially exchange, cooperation and mobility in the field of education and training.


Во Република Северна Македонија, Национален центар за Еврогајденс е Националната агенција за европски образовни програми и мобилност.Еврогајденс како мрежа на европско ниво е многу значајна во кариерата.

Таа спроведува водство и советување за образовниот и кариерниот развој. Погледнете ги можностите за учење кои ги нуди мрежата.


Contact details


Address:Bul. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu no.17 - Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia


+389 2 3109 045