Czech Republic

Czech Euroguidance Centre

Czech Euroguidance Centre is part of DZS - organisation established by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, performing tasks involved with ensuring educational, training and other relations with foreign countries under the instructions of the ministry. DZS is responsible for a number of international programmes. Euroguidance supports the competence development of the guidance community on the European dimension of lifelong guidance, mobility and experience exchange in the field of guidance.

Contact: Petr Chaluš

Tel: +420 724 967 591

Czech Association for Career Guidance and Career Development

The platform with bottom up character that gives voice to individual counsellors to influence the development of career guidance and counseling in the Czech Republic. The members would come up with ideas, based on their professional experiences, cooperate and develop dialogues within the association and external partners. Through Erasmus plus project outcomes and other activities as eg intervision meetings contributes to co-creating the professional identity of career guidance and counselling practitioners.

Contact: Lukáš Vlček


Tel:+420 606 455 462