The Entrepreneurship Plan of the Galician Education System, Eduemprende, is the framework for the promotion of entrepreneurship in the Galician Education System and establishes the strategy for the promotion of the entrepreneurial culture that the Regional Department of Culture, Education and University transmits to the educational community.  To this end, it will have the collaboration and support of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, through the European Business and Innovation Centre of Galicia.

The general objective of this plan is to achieve progress in raising awareness of the culture of entrepreneurship and to propose instruments that will make it possible to know what has been achieved.

The Dare Programme is carried out within the framework of the Eduemprende Plan and is aimed at encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit in the participating pupils through knowledge of the business fabric of their environment - specifically, of the companies belonging to the collaborating business associations - and of the nearby Vocational Training centres.

The programme has a twofold objective:

  • For Primary School pupils who visit the ATRÉVETE (Dare) reference centres to get to know the Vocational Training offer in situ.
  • To encourage students to develop basic skills in business practice: creativity, initiative, responsibility, ability to take risks and personal autonomy.

This programme has had very good results with 377 schools and 14330 participating pupils. There is an annual call for those schools interested in this programme.


  • Author / Originator: Consellería de Educación, universidade e Formación Profesional de la Xunta de Galicia in collaboration with 11 business associations and 11 centres that teach Vocational Training.
  • Country of origin Spain
  • Resource launch date September 15, 2020
  • Main focus Career Development
  • Modality Presential
  • Context Schools
  • Type Intervention
  • Target group Primary School Students, Secondary School Students
  • This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
  • Website