EU Commission public consultation on mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad (open until 19 February 2018)

In its Communication on Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture, the European Commission proposes the creation of a European Education Area, in which people can move freely to study and carry out research and which will contribute both to improved opportunities for individuals, as well as an improved capacity to meet skills and competences needs. One of the actions proposed as a means of achieving this is a proposal for a Council Recommendation on promoting the mutual recognition of higher education (all levels) and upper secondary education qualifications/diplomas and study periods abroad. It could be accompanied by a supportive process to facilitate the recognition of qualifications from upper secondary education and study periods abroad, to be known as the Sorbonne Process.
This proposal was endorsed by European heads of state and government at their meeting in December. The objective of the proposed Council Recommendation is to support Member States in meeting the commitments they have made through both the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the Bologna Process, by inviting Member States and European Commission to take concrete steps that will result in improved mobility at all levels of education and training by promoting mutual recognition of diplomas and study periods abroad.
As part of the consultation process in developing this Council Recommendation, the European Commission is inviting stakeholders to complete the below questionnaire, which will be of great assistance in developing the proposal. We would appreciate your participation and would also be very grateful if you could assist us in its dissemination by circulating it widely to your contacts. You can access the consultation through this link.
Replies should be submitted by Monday 19 February.