Euro-Quest is a free, online, classroom-based resource for use with Transition Year (TY) students in Ireland. It is accompanied by a Student Workbook and Whole School Guidebook (both print and online versions available in multiple formats). Euro-Quest is comprised of 4 x modules and a pre and post-course student survey to measure the learning experience and outcomes.
This programme is designed to be integrated into the TY curriculum through Guidance and to link with other subjects with Europe as the common theme.
- Module1 – An overview of the European Union and an exploration of what it means to be an EU citizen, including the right to travel, study and work in other EU member states
- Module 2 – An exploration of opportunities to study abroad – including Erasmus+, undergraduate studies in European universities (including courses taught through English) and the availability of funding supports
- Module 3 – Preparation for a period of learning mobility - understanding culture and diversity, tips for studying abroad including making friends, dealing with homesickness and language acquisition
- Module 4 - Students are invited to complete a Careers Interest Assessment and research courses which interest them. Students are encouraged to research potential destinations, gathering information on the educational and cultural settings in different countries; individually or in groups - and present their findings
As of December 2020, over 1600 students from all over Ireland had enrolled from more than 70 schools.
Completion of the Euro-quest programme has had a positive impact on:
- Students’ knowledge of Europe, European citizenship and the mobility opportunities available in both in Ireland and Europe.
- Student awareness of the supports available to them when it comes to mobility.
- Students’ knowledge regarding the transferability of skills and qualifications across Europe.
- The development of the key skills of researching, communication and presenting future aspirations.
- Student awareness of the benefits of studying abroad for a period and motivation to do so.

- Author / Originator: Euroguidance Ireland
- Country of origin Ireland
- Resource launch date January 01, 2020
- Main focus Mobility
- Modality Remote, Presential
- Context Schools
- Type Tool, Training
- Target group Secondary School Students
- This practice developed through Erasmus+ No