Euroguidance webinars for guidance practitioners: Online career guidance tools and activities – examples of good practices from Europe

Euroguidance network in the scope of the activities of Competence Development Task Group organize set of webinars for Euroguidance members and guidance practitioners on the topic “Online career guidance tools and activities” which will be held on 9th, 10th and 11th of June 2020 at 11 am CEST.
Guidance practitioners who would like to hear more about online guidance and its possibilities, as well as some examples of practices already existing in different European countries, are invited to register for one, two or all three webinars that will be held on this topic. The participation on webinars is free of charge but the number of participants per webinar is limited, so it is advised to register as soon as possible and by 7th June by the end of the day the latest.
Timetable of the webinars
9th June – 11:00-12:30 CEST
Online guidance activities and programs for supporting the development of practitioners’ competencies – Examples of practices from Hungary and Czech Republic
Presenters: Ildiko Pap and Eniko Kovacs-Osvath experts from GINOP-6.2.4-VEKOP/16-2017-00001 priority project on Developing the quality and content of 21st century vocational training and adult education and Petr Chaluš from Euroguidance Czech Republic
10th June – 11:00-12:30 CEST
Online guidance tools and activities for students, youth and adults – Example of practices from Denmark, Serbia and Belgium
Presenters: Jannie Meedom Nielsen from eVejledning/eGuidance, Denmark and Ružica Madžarević from Euroguidance Serbia, Joke Verlinden from Euroguidance Belgium (Flamish comunity)
11th June – 11:00-12:30 CEST
ICT in Guidance - From Delivering Information to Co-careering
Opening presentation: Jaana Kettunen, Researcher and Vice Director at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research at University of Jyväskylä
Examples of good practice from Sweden: Joachim Öjeryd from the Swedish Public Employment Service
The webinars are designed as interactive presentations and each webinar will have ending Q and A session when participants can ask questions and provide further comments.
Please register for the webinars by filling in the form available here.
The webinars are organised and technically supported by Euroguidance Serbia.