Evaluation of the Europass resources and tools - Respond by 27 April 2018

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has commissioned an independent ex-post evaluation of the Europass resources and tools. The aim of the evaluation is to understand whether the overarching objectives of Europass have been achieved. Findings and recommendations will be used for future improvement.
In the framework of this evaluation, Cedefop invites you to take part in a brief survey. It should not take more than 5 to 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Please respond by 27 April 2018.
You can access the survey through this link.
The identity of those who take part in the evaluation will not be disclosed; however, identification information concerning the type of their organisation and Member State of origin will be used for the purpose of the analysis.
Feel free to disseminate the survey link to all your key national stakeholders.
For queries on the survey or the evaluation itself, please contact Kahina Bensalem, . Would you like to contact a Cedefop representative, please turn to Marc Willem at .