Europass for career guidance: Launching the eCourse on Europass
eCourse on Europass
Recognizing the potential of Europass as a valuable tool for guidance, Euroguidance network has developed an online course on Europass with the goal of providing guidance practitioners from different settings with a quality and reliable tool for their guidance practice. The course has been developed to include thorough guidelines and instructions on how to use different technical features of Europass, as well as practical guidelines on how to best use Europass with different groups of target users, such as job applicants, pupils, students and many more.
Europass is available at as an online portal with a free set of online tools and information to help its users in their lifelong learning and career management. Registered users of the portal have access to different career management features, such as the Europass CV Editor, the Cover Letter Editor, Europass Library, Applications Manager, Digital Skills Self-Assessment Test, and others.
Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance. The network’s activities are aimed at communicating and supporting the development of the European dimension of lifelong guidance, as well as supporting competence development of guidance practitioners and policy makers from the educational and employment sectors in different European countries.
The workshop will offer a presentation of the content of the newly developed online course, an insight into its development process and a practical demonstration of its features.
- What is Euroguidance
- What is Europass and how to use it for guidance
- Presentation of the eCourse by the course developers
- Live demo of the main features of the course
*Accompanied by interactive quizzes
REGISTRATION : (until 10th of June, 23h59)

- Event date June 12 - 12, 2023
- Registration deadline 2023-06-10
- Venue Online
- Organiser Euroguidance
- Event cost Free of charge
- Event website