Future TimE Traveller

Dear Colleagues 
FUTURE Time Traveller is a European project that aims at transforming career guidance of generation Z through an innovative, games-based scenario approach and to prepare the next generation for the jobs of the future.
The FUTURE partnership are having our final event, which will present the results of the 3-year initiative, this is a fantastic opportunity to discover the tools available to enable career guidance professional, teachers and parents to reach their young people in a innovative way 
Here is the Key information for the day 

Date: Wednesday, November 11
Start: 10 am CET

ZOOM link – https://zoom.us/j/91708102921?pwd=TEt4eUVjM2FLNGdCbHpUWUxWTFYxZz09

Register now at: https://forms.gle/GHYV9FyudnfquURt5


– Opening key notes from Aline Juerges – policy officer at the European Commission

– Presentation of the FUTURE project

– Demonstration of the Future Time Traveller innovative career platform in 3D virtual world

– Application of the Future Time Traveller game in career guidance

– Game-based scenarios in career guidance

– Career Services for the Future – best practices from the European Competition for Innovative Career Guidance Tools

– Jobs of the Future – ideas of European young people

– Impact of FUTURE – results from piloting and exploitation with users

– Roadmap to the Future – key policy messages and prospects

The event will be held in English.

Future Time Traveller Final Event