Guidance System in Moldova
In the Republic of Moldova, career guidance is provided through a variety of services and activities carried out by educational institutions, territorial employment services, youth local councils and non-governmental organizations.
The main actors involved in career guidance and counselling:
- Ministry of Education and Research – coordinates the educational guidance process in educational institutions, contributing to the development of students' competencies to choose an appropriate professional path.
- Ministry of Labour and Social Protection through the National Employment Agency – provides professional guidance services, continuous training and support for the integration of youth and adults into the labour market.
- National Youth Agency through the Local Youth Councils – support the personal and professional development of youth through volunteer activities, competency development and events dedicated to career counselling and guidance.
- Non-governmental organizations – active in the fields of education and employment offer counselling and professional training programs, contributing to the efficient integration of beneficiaries into the labour market.
Due to collaboration of these institutions and organizations, career guidance in the Republic of Moldova becomes a complex process tailored to the youth and adults current needs .
In the Republic of Moldova, the field of career counselling and guidance is regulated by a series of normative acts and strategic documents aiming to ensure the efficient youth and adults integration into the labour market, the development of professional skills, and the promotion of social inclusion.
- The National Development Strategy "European Moldova 2030" and The National Economic Development Strategy 2030 –These documents highlight the importance of human resource development and the integration of youth into the workforce. They outline strategies that foster a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and investors, promote innovation, and advance education—factors that indirectly influence career counseling and guidance.
- The National Employment Program 2022-2026 –Approved by Government Decision No. 785/2022, this program underscores the crucial role of career counselling and guidance in boosting employment rates. It places particular emphasis on youth and vulnerable groups, ensuring their access to professional guidance services.
- The Education Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 152/2014 –establishes the general structure of the educational system and regulates the operation of career guidance and counseling centers. Article 130 defines the mission of these centers as supporting students in planning and pursuing their careers. These centres can be established by local public authorities, ANOFM, NGOs, private providers and educational institutions, as well.
- Law no. 105/2018 on Employment Promotion and Unemployment Insurance – regulates professional counselling services, establishing measures to support individuals in job search and facilitating the transition to the labour market.
- Order of the Ministry of Education no. 203/2014 regarding the approval of the Framework Regulation for Career Guidance and Counselling Centres –regulates the organization and operation of career guidance and counselling centers in higher education institutions, providing students with essential support in selecting an appropriate career path.
Through the implementation of these regulations and strategies, the Republic of Moldova aims to strengthen the career guidance system, ensuring equal access to educational and professional opportunities for all citizens.
The national career guidance system provides specific services for youth and adults.
For young people, educational and professional counselling offered in educational institutions helps students identify their interests and skills, making it easier to choose a suitable career path. In 2018, a new curricular area "Counselling and Personal Development" was introduced into the framework plan for primary, secondary and high school education. This includes the subject "Personal Development", which aims to develop social, emotional and career-oriented competencies essential for successful integration into society.
To implement career guidance principles into vocational education and training, the Ministry of Education and Research developed the curriculum for the module "Personal development and career planning" in 2016. This module is designed for secondary and postsecondary technical vocational institutions.
In higher education, career guidance was institutionalized in 2014 with the approval of the Methodological Guide on establishing and operating career guidance and counselling centres in universities. These centres offer a range of services, including developing career planning skills, helping students explore their potential, providing information on educational and professional opportunities and organizing vocational marketing activities.
For adults counselling sessions are organized professional training and retraining courses, particularly for job seeking individuals or those with disabilities. The National Employment Agency plays a key role in this process by offering career guidance services through its territorial offices. Adults looking to change careers receive support and information on educational and professional opportunities as well as access to events and workshops focused on labour market trends, self-exploration and job application techniques.
In the Republic of Moldova, there are no formal requirements to become a career guidance and counselling practitioner. However, performing this role requires a high level of qualification, typically a bachelor's degree in fields such as: sociology, psychology, economics, education studies, social work, law, political science or related disciplines. Currently, there are no initial training programs specifically dedicated to career counselling specialization. However, practitioners have access to continuous training programs throughout their careers, organized in collaboration with educational institutions and professional training organizations. For example, with the help of the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), a training course was held for practitioners in counseling and guidance, teachers from IPT in 2024. With the support of the development partners of the Republic of Moldova, the Practical Implementation Guide for VET institutions and the Methodological Guide for VET teachers Career Guidance and Counseling, approved by Ministerial Order 1173/2024, were developed.
The National Employment Agency of the Republic of Moldova annually prepares the Short-Term Labour Market Forecast, to anticipate workforce demands and bridge the gap between the education provided by educational institutions and the needs of employers. This Forecast is based on a comprehensive study, that analyses economic trends, assesses labour demand and supply , and identifies the occupations and skills required in the market. The study relies on data collected from employers, educational institutions, economic agents and other relevant sources, serving as a crucial tool for aligning education and vocational training with fields that have employment potential. Additionally, Short-Term Labour Market Forecast supports career counselling by providing essential insights into labour market trends and needs. This contributes to higher employment rates and the developing of a well-prepared workforce.
In the Republic of Moldova, there is no specific ethical code governing career guidance and counselling services. Instead, ethical aspects of these activities are regulated through normative acts, such as the Teacher's Ethical Code and the Code of Conduct for Public Servants. These frameworks establish the deontological principles and professional standards applicable to the fields of education and public administration.
In the Republic of Moldova, there is no national association for career guidance and counselling practitioners.
Last updated at: February 2025