Guidance System in Ukraine
The guidance system in Ukraine is coordinated between the education, private, and employment sectors. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine plays a pivotal role in integrating guidance components into formal education, incorporating career counselling and career skills awareness into educational programmes.
The State Employment Service plays a key role in providing guidance services within the employment sector. The State Employment Service provides consulting services on how to choose a profession, reskilling, and employment for various categories of population, including youth, unemployed individuals, and those planning to change professions.
Both international and Ukrainian NGOs significantly contribute to the development of guidance services by implementing educational programmes, projects, and initiatives, developing informational resources, conducting training, and facilitating cooperation between educational institutions and employers. They introduce innovative approaches to career guidance, adapting international experience to the Ukrainian context.
A special place is covered by private initiatives, including career guidance platforms, educational centres, and consulting projects that offer tests, individual consultations, career coaching, university entrance training, and soft skills development.
Despite the diversity of initiatives, guidance system in Ukraine faces several challenges, such as the lack of a unified coordination strategy, unstable programme funding, limited access to quality guidance services in remote regions, and insufficient integration of guidance into formal education.
However, the gradual implementation of integrated approaches, cooperation between state, private and international institutions, and the introduction of modern digital tools can enhance the effectiveness of the guidance system in Ukraine.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Employment Service are responsible for state governance in the field of guidance.
As part of the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine until 2027, a draft of Guidance and Career Counselling Concept in the Educational System was developed with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the «Dream and Act» programme.
The educational process in higher educational institutions is determined and implemented in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», based on the principles of autonomy and self-government. Additionally, representatives of the educational sector have developed a draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» on the implementation of career counselling in higher educational institutions to promote learners professional development and their further employment».
The State Employment Service provides guidance services in the labour market sector in accordance with current legislation, in particular:
- The Law of Ukraine «On Employment of Population»;
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 842 as of September 17, 2008 «On Approval of the Concept of the State Guidance System of Population»;
- The Procedure for Providing Guidance Services to Individuals, approved by the Order of the Ministry for Economy Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine № 2203 «On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Guidance Services to Individuals» as of October 30, 2020, and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 13, 2020, under № 1129/35412.
Career counsellors and their functions
According to the Procedure for the provision of social services to labour market subjects by career counsellors, specialised career counsellors, and counsellors on work with employers, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of March 17, 2023 № 237 «On Approval of the Procedure for the Provision of Social Services to Labour Market Subjects by Career Counsellors, Specialised Career Counsellors, and Counsellors on Work with Employers».
The procedure for registration, re-registration of the unemployed and recording of jobseekers is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for Registration, Re-registration of Registered Unemployed and Recording of Jobseekers approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 446 «On Approval of the Procedure for Registration, Re-registration of Registered Unemployed and Recording of Jobseekers» as of March 30, 2023. According to the provisions of the abovementioned document, the career counsellor is responsible for the registration of unemployed persons and recording of jobseekers. Based on the provisions of the abovementioned document, the career counsellor plays a key role in cooperation with the unemployed persons, providing them with registration, social services and job search assistance.
In addition to state agencies, international and Ukrainian organisations, public and professional associations, commercial projects, educational platforms, and private educational institutions play an important role in shaping guidance policy.
They promote the development of career counselling, implement educational and guidance programmes, support career counsellors, and develop methodological materials for guidance for both youth and adults. These organisations also cooperate with international partners, attract grant funding, and implement European practices to improve the quality of guidance services in Ukraine.
At the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, career development centres have been established in higher educational institutions to conduct communication campaigns for student guidance and facilitate their employment. These centres provide consultations on career choices, career development training, meetings with employers, and opportunities for apprenticeships and internships.
In addition, in cooperation with international and national initiatives, schools are developing guidance programmes, including career testing, career development classes, meetings with employers, and mentoring programmes, which allows them to introduce modern career counselling techniques.
Private educational institutions are integrating career counselling into their mentoring and tutoring systems, encouraging students to analyse their strengths and build career paths.
Cooperation with employers and civil initiatives.
Universities and schools provide apprenticeship, workshops, and excursions for pupils and students, facilitating an early introduction to the labour market.
It is also worth highlighting the approach of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, which offers a one-year gap programme between school and university. This programme includes personal development, social skills training, internships at various organisations and enterprises, and participation in social projects.
The State Employment Service
he guidance services provided by the State Employment Service are available to all social groups and age categories of individuals who apply to employment centres, as well as to those in need of career guidance upon the written request of their representatives.
Employment centres provide the following guidance services: career information, career counselling, career guidance, and professional diagnosis. State Employment Service services are provided free of charge.
Guidance services are available in both individual and group formats, either directly at employment centres or remotely, through on-site or online formats, including the use of information and communication technologies. Information about the services provided by the State Employment Service and individuals who have applied to the State Employment Service is recorded in the Unified Information and Analytical System of the State Employment Service.
Group guidance services may be provided through the organisation of career guidance events at the state, regional, and local levels, which can be informational, consulting, educational, training, motivational, or diagnostic in nature. The list and topics of these activities are determined by the State Employment Centre.
Employment centres also organise events (such as seminars, webinars, and training sessions) on job searching, CV writing, interviewing with employers, general employment issues, building positive motivation for professional changes, informing about the benefits and risks of starting a business, and developing skills, among others.
The State Employment Service’s online platform ‘Guidance and Career Development’ and its mobile version offer extensive access to career guidance services for the community (
The State Employment Service website also provides all stakeholders the opportunity to order online career consultations, choose or change professions, select areas of study, discuss the results of skills diagnostics, and more, at a convenient time (
Comprehensive electronic platforms and websites, such as Career Hub ( ) and the Association of Innovative and Digital Education (LLC «HR You», which contain a variety of guidance materials.
They include information about professions, training courses, tests, useful tips, and resources that can benefit adolescents, their parents, teachers, and career counsellors. Additionally, they provide training for career counsellors working in secondary, vocational, higher, and adult education.
There are also platforms that specialize exclusively in guidance testing and counseling, providing users with the opportunity to assess their abilities and interests, as well as identify suitable professional fields. In general, the activities of these electronic platforms and websites are primarily focused on students in secondary, vocational, and higher education, assisting them in making informed decisions regarding their career paths.
One of the most important projects in the field of guidance is the All-Ukrainian Guidance and Development Project «Choose Your Dream Profession» ( This is the first national guidance project in Ukraine, implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine since 2021.
The platform includes a unique guidance test based on artificial intelligence (developed in-house), a guidance counselling system, online courses, virtual excursions to the largest Ukrainian enterprises, and professional development programs. The platform is free to use.
As part of the project, the Career Counsellor School was launched. This initiative is free of charge and aims to train teachers, lecturers, school psychologists and those who wish to master the profession of career counsellor.
The State Employment Service also implements guidance initiatives, develops guidance materials, and organizes events for students in specialized, vocational, and higher education.
Career counsellors for the State Employment Service are trained at the Employment Service’s Training Centre.
Live communication, which includes meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to enterprises, and cooperation with employers, is one of the most common and effective guidance tools. It has a significant motivational impact, especially on students of specialized schools, vocational, and higher education institutions. Direct communication with specialists from various industries helps young people better understand the specifics of work processes, job requirements, and career prospects.
In addition, the personal success stories of professionals can inspire a conscious choice of a professional path and the achievement of career goals.
Guidance testing and career counseling are other popular tools for guidance. Testing helps identify individual aptitudes, interests, and abilities of students (at the levels of basic and specialized education) and assists both students and adults in choosing a specialization and career options. Many tests are free and available online, making them a convenient and widely accessible tool for professional self-determination.
Development of the career counselling system in Ukraine.
The career counseling system in Ukraine is gradually expanding, particularly through the training of career advisers and Counsellors, the provision of career support services (both online and offline), and the development of tutoring and support for career centers and hubs.
The role of career centres and hubs.
Career centers and hubs play a vital role in professional development by offering advice, training, and seminars on employment, labor market analysis, and further education opportunities. At vocational and higher education institutions, they assist students in developing professional competencies, building career paths, and finding employment.
To ensure the sustainable results of their activities, it is essential to develop and implement effective models of cooperation with employers, which will enhance their value not only for students but also for the community. Ukraine also has an Association of Career Counsellors, which unites professionals in this field to promote the development of professional counseling and career support.
Formation of the profession of career counsellor:
Despite the active development of career counselling, there are a number of challenges that affect the quality and effectiveness of career counsellors’ work.
Currently, the Classifier of Occupations of Ukraine includes the profession of «Career Advisor», however, the profession of «Career Counsellor» has not yet been added. Additionally, the profession of «Career Counsellor» is not included in the Typical Staffing Standards for General Secondary Education Institutions, as approved by Order № 1205 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine «On Approval of the Typical Staffing Standards for General Secondary Education Institutions», dated 06.12.2010 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 22.12.2010 under № 1308/18603».
This means that specialists trained through various projects and programmes cannot officially work in general secondary education institutions.
Additionally, the absence of approved professional standards and training programmes makes it challenging to ensure that career counsellors receive proper training. This is particularly relevant in terms of ethical standards, confidentiality, and integrity when working with students.
The professional community has currently initiated the development of a professional standard «Career Counsellor.
Starting in 2024, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, in collaboration with the Finnish Häme University of Applied Sciences, is developing a competency framework and training programme for career counsellors. As part of this initiative, the establishment of the Institute of Career and Educational Counsellors in Ukraine is planned, aiming to standardise the training of specialists for schools and other educational institutions.
The professional development of career counsellors is a crucial factor in establishing a high-quality guidance system in Ukraine.
In Ukraine, research in the field of guidance and career counselling is carried out by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions.
The State Employment Service monitors the labour market and analyses employment trends, using this data to develop guidance programmes, strategies, and recommendations. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Association of Innovative and Digital Education, analytical centres, and research institutes carry out studies on guidance and career counselling.
The findings of these studies are published in the public domain and utilised to enhance guidance services, update educational programmes, and develop practical recommendations for career advisers and counsellors.
The Code of Ethics for Career Counsellors is currently under development. Nevertheless, professionals base their activities on international standards for working with clients. The initiative to develop the Code of Ethics for Career Counsellors was launched by the Association of Career Counsellors of Ukraine.
Last updated at: February 2025