The web Næsta skref (next step) is an Icelandic web with descriptions on possible jobs and relevant studies. It is aimed at young people who have not yet chosen the path they want to follow in life and can be used either independently or with a guidance counsellor. The offers interest mapping and advice on how to continue on a chosen path and is very easy to navigate.

It is possible to start from looking at a particular profession and see what training is necessary in order to be able to hold it. Professions are grouped into broad categories (e.g. construction or tuition, leisure and upbringing) and from there users can narrow their choices. An overview is given on the tasks usually carried out by the holder and the main learning outcomes the relevant training offers.

It is also possible to look at training in a certain field and see the possibilities on offer for those completing it. In many cases, the training leads to only one profession but in other cases, the possibilities are numerous and can be seen as endless. It is possible to see what pathways of validation of prior learning are open for each course. Further training in several fields is also visible as a possibility.

Through the web, it is possible to take an online assessment of interests and the users’ strong and weak sides. It is also possible to get in touch with a guidance professional and ask for advice on taking the next step. Managers of the web have made agreements for counsellors at different level to answer questions relevant to their field.

The web is owned and managed by the Education and Training Service Centre, which is owned by the Icelandic Confederation of Labour (ASÍ), the Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA), the Federation of State and Municipal Employees (BSRB), the Ministry of Finance and the Association of Local Authorities in Iceland.

Career guidance web
  • Author / Originator: Dóra Stefánsdóttir
  • Country of origin Iceland
  • Resource launch date March 16, 2021
  • Main focus Career Development
  • Modality Remote
  • Context Career guidance for young people
  • Type Tool
  • Target group Career Guidance Practitioners, Primary School Students, Secondary School Students
  • This practice developed through Erasmus+ No
  • Website