Guidance System in Lithuania
Career guidance covers information, counselling, and guidance services that help persons in different age categories choose their own pursuits in the areas of education, training, and employment, and to undertake active roles in the development of their career management skills. Career guidance in Lithuania follows the same trends that prevail in Europe: career guidance is being organized as a basic element of the Lifelong Learning Strategy and as a fundamental part of employment policy.
The formation and development of the career guidance system in Lithuania is the responsibility of three executive authority institutions of the Republic of Lithuania –Ministry of Education, Science and Sport(career guidance policy related to the provision of quality career education, information, and counselling services for pupils, students, adult learners, etc.), Ministry of Social Security and Labour(career guidance policy related to the provision of quality career information and counselling services for job-seekers (youth and adults), including NEETs) and Ministry of Economy and Innovation (career guidance policy related to organising forecasts on human resource demand in the labour market).
In 2022, Lithuania implemented the Career Guidance Reform and created a new Career Guidance System.
The Career Guidance System is enshrined by the Regulation on Career Guidance Procedures, approved by the Resolution No 847 of 24 August 2022 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Career guidance is carried out in accordance with the principles set out in the Laws on Education, Vocational Training and Employment of the Republic of Lithuania. As part of the reform, since September 1, 2022, new positions of career specialists have been established in general education and vocational schools. The newly recruited career specialists completed qualification training, while former career professionals had the opportunity to update their knowledge or acquire new competences.
In the education sector, career guidance (i.e. career education, information, and counselling services) is provided by general education schools and VET schools. In general education schools, the guidance programme is compulsory from the first grade. Career guidance is provided by the school's career specialist, and additional sessions for primary school pupils are organised by the class teacher. In the employment sector, career guidance services (i.e. information and counselling) for job-seekers (adults and youth) are provided by Lithuanian Public Employment Service and its structural divisions –regional career centres staffed by guidance professionals and activity coordinators. Associations and NGO’s of people with disabilities or any other special educational needs provide specific career guidance to their target groups. The range of offered services varies and depends on the type and priorities of each NGO. Some organisations offer employment mediation and various training programmes (building confidence and motivation, developing career planning skills, etc.) for persons of disadvantaged groups (including persons with disabilities).
To ensure the accessibility of career information and counselling services, a special focus is put on career guidance information systems. In 2008, the Ministry of Education and Science developed a national database of learning opportunities AIKOS(Atviro informavimo, konsultavimo ir orientavimo sistema – Open Information, Consultation and Orientation System), which makes data on education, statistics, and labour registers available to a wide range of customers and offers relevant information to career guidance service providers.
Funding for career guidance services comes from diverse resources: the state budget, ESF funds, and funds from Active Labour Market Resources and the Youth Guarantee Initiative.
Career specialist is now a state-regulated occupation, thus professionals in guidance are recruited according to the set standards and requirements set out in the Description of Education and Training Requirements for Career Specialists.
School career specialists are required to: hold a teaching qualification or have completed a course in education and psychology; within one year of first taking up employment as a career specialist, undertake a specific upskilling programme; have a good knowledge of national guidance policies, systems, and legislation; be able to use a range of career management information systems and modern ICT tools relevant to the provision of career management services, and to select appropriate information tools and sources according to the needs of the service user; be able to properly identify the needs of service users; be able to analyse and organise data and information on the provision of career guidance services.
Requirements for counsellors of Public Employment Services are as follows: a degree of higher or equivalent education; at least one year of work experience in the field; knowledge of relevant legislation; information management and analytical skills; skills of written and verbal communication; ability to produce official documentation; basic ICT literacy skills.
Country-specific research on different aspects of career guidance is commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and Euroguidance LT, but does not constitute regular practice and heavily depends on available funding.
Ethical principles, guidelines, and occupational descriptions for career guidance staff acting in general education and VET sectors were developed in 2008. The standards used by the practitioners are: validity, professional image, respect, objectiveness, and relevance. The Principles for Ethics in Career Guidance are a part of the Qualification Standard of career specialists, which was prepared through the ESF project, “Designing and development of the national career guidance system” (2008).
HE institutions follow the Framework of Quality Assurance of Career Management Services for Students (2012). The Framework encompasses descriptions of principles for ensuring the quality of career resources, career practitioners, code of ethics, etc.
Last updated at: February 2025