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construction materials, mechanical construction, automobiles, consumer goods,   Courses in the United Kingdom
 telecommunications, distribution, banking/insurance, hotels, the pharmaceutical
 sector, energy. These companies are concentrated in Bucharest, but are also in
                 In the United Kingdom, the culture of 'odd jobs' is commonplace and
 the Muntenia region or even Timisoara.  may constitute an entry in the search for training courses, but it is better to be on
 General websites   the spot to explore and make approaches, because the labour market is dynamic:
        candidates need to be in the right place at the right time. The negotiations around
 ÷  The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania:    Brexit are likely to change the conditions of courses in the United Kingdom in the  medium term. With this in mind, it would be advisable to consult the reference
 ÷  The possibility of submitting a spontaneous application on the French   sites indicated.
 Embassy in Romania's Economic Services website:    The paramount economic sectors in the United Kingdom are above all in the  tertiary sector (78% of jobs):  banking and finance, services, consultancy, large-
 ÷  the French Institute accepts trainees ad hoc, mainly for longer courses (at   scale distribution and the hotel and catering industry; and to a lesser extent the
 least three months) on Bucarest, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Timisioara websites.  oil and gas industry, machine-tools, transport and chemistry. Sectors with good
        potential are computing, IT and communications, biotechnology, aeronautics,
 ÷  The Union of French Nationals Abroad sometimes has courses available   defence and renewable energies.
 with its business partners:  Name and legal framework
 ÷  Directory of major Romanian companies :    Placement, training, traineeship, internship, work experience  Courses in the United Kingdom have no precise legal status. There are several
 ÷   National Association   categories; an in addition, there are major differences between the four British
 of Importers and   nations.
 Exporters (ANEIR):   •  Scholar scheme: several months' experience in a company just after secondary
 to find the list of   studies, in the context of a transitional year before graduate studies.
 Romanian import and   •  Sandwich and industrial placements: these take place at a specific period of
 export companies:    the studies, are validated by ECTS and may be paid; their duration is often  a full year - «thick sandwich courses»- or sometimes two to six months -
 ÷  Romanian Yellow   «thin sandwich courses». They are often found in some areas:   business,
 Pages website:   administration,  computing,  engineering  and technology,  architecture  and  construction, agriculture and by-products. Generally, this type of course is
             not mandatory but is subject to the student's choice. Other short courses (+/-
             six weeks) may form part of the university curriculum and are mandatory.
           • Work-based project: specific project planned in the curriculum
           •  Mandatory professional training:  regulated  by  a  professional  body,  these
             training courses are required in law, architecture, medicine, teaching, etc.
 Some useful sites  •  Work placement or work experience:  an ad hoc period of work which may be
             arranged by the University with an employer, or often by students themselves.
 ÷ Internshipul :  It lasts for up to a year and allows immersion in a company or profession to
 ÷ Iagora:  understand the world of work through observation or active participation.
 ÷ Stages-emplois :

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