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The French presence in Portugal Courses in the Czech Republic
There are more than 600 French subsidiaries operating in Portugal, in many
industrial sectors such as the environment, energy, pharmaceutical laboratories, The Czech Republic, a small country in central Europe, has a dynamic,
automobile construction or even aeronautics. As well as in large-scale industrialised and well-developed economy, with almost full employment.
distribution, the financial and tourism sectors, or transport and logistics. Large- The local economy is based mainly on the automotive, electrical and mechanical
scale distribution is highly developed in Portugal. industries, and on construction and services. Tourism is growing, particularly in
Prague, and financial services contribute greatly to the economic dynamism. The
textile sector is also well represented.
90% of companies in Portugal are SMEs. Direct contacts and word of mouth Name and legal framework
should be emphasised when looking for courses. Stáž, Odbornápraxe
Previously very detailed, the Portuguese CV now looks much more like those The practice of training
of other European countries. Examples of CVs and covering letters are on the courses is relatively
following sites:, recent and is only partially
defined by law. The official
Useful sources of information definition of the course
÷ Institute for the Support of Investment in SMEs: is 'the execution of a
mission'. Training courses
÷ Franco-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry: take place in the context of secondary or higher
÷ Banque du Portugal: education and must be part
of the study programme.
÷ Consult business directories: The Czech labour code
÷ cherchez-vous: contact details for hotels provides that courses must
throughout Portugal. be considered as regular
÷ The Lisbon Franco-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which governed by a contract and receive a salary. work. They are therefore
can circulate CVs to its member companies. To post a request for a training The Education Act (No. 561/2004) mentions courses, called work experience, as
course go to: /bourse d’emploi part of the training curriculum. In this context it is unpaid. But if this professional
practice is part of a productive activity and so enriches the employer, the trainee
Professional Associations must be paid (a minimum 30% of the local minimum wage). A course contract
• Association of Portuguese Companies: must be signed between the training institution and the company, made up of
• Association of Portuguese Industries: two documents, one setting out the obligations during the course and the other
indicating the company's obligations with regard to the trainee. The legal duration
• Association of Young Entrepreneurs: of the working week is 40 hours.
Look at offers and/or make an application Administrative formalities: Beyond a stay of 30 days, foreigners must present
• Capmagellan: a site designed for and by Portuguese descendants with themselves to the Immigration Police Service closest to their home, in order to
give notice of their presence in the country. On the other hand, if the planned
some courses offers: duration of the course is greater than three months, authorisation to stay must be
• Two websites offering courses: requested from the Regional Service of the Department of the Interior. and
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