P. 79

Courses in Italy   Practical life
        Cost of living: life in Italy is generally a little cheaper than in France, but there are
 Italy maintains a significant industrial tradition even if this sector has   big differences between the north and the south of the country, the cost of living
 been  hit  hard  by  the  last  crisis.  The  main  industry  is  basically  manufacturing,   being lower in the south.
 based on machinery and equipment, and on metallurgy, as well as on the food
 industry and the key Made in Italy sectors: textiles, leather goods and clothing.   Accommodation: lodgings take up the largest share of the budget, especially if
 Italy is distinguished by a very wide network of SMEs and family businesses. The   students have to stay in Italy during the summer.
 tourism sector is highly developed. However, the Italian economy is marked by   A few personal announcement sites:;;
 significant disparities between the regions (in particular between those of the ;
 north and those located in the south).   Tips on finding a course and useful sites

 Name and legal framework  The Italian economy is marked by significant disparities between its regions.
 Stage or Tirocinio  There are three areas:
 Placements are under the authority of the institutions offering Curriculari (training   -   the north-west, a highly industrialised and prosperous area around Milan, Turin
 courses), and under the regional authorities for Extracurriculari courses, which is   and Genoa;
 to say, outside the training curriculum.  -   a second very dynamic region lies between Venice, Bologna, Florence and Rome,
         where industry and tourism are strongly developed;
 Duration: courses may not last for longer than four months for secondary school   -  the south, or ‘Mezzogiorno’, marked by an economic slowdown and a high rate of
 students; six months for students of professional institutes; twelve months for   unemployment.
 university students; and finally six months, to be taken no later than one year after
 the end of studies, for young graduates.  CV and covering letter
        In Italy, not everything depends on a CV, as the interview is considered more
 Administrative formalities   important  when  judging  the  candidate,  and  recruiters  are  more  sensitive  to
 There must be a bipartite agreement between the organization sending the   personal learning and experience.
 trainee and the host company. A training project has to be attached to the contract   In the Italian CV, there are the following headings: civil status "datipersonali", studies
 and signed by the sending organization, the business and the trainee. Models   and training "studi e formazione", professional experience "precedentilavorativi" or
 of course contracts and training projects are predetermined by each region for   "esperienzeprofessionali" and other information "altreinformazioni" (geographical
 courses arranged within their areas; otherwise refer to Key Point 7: administrative   mobility, language and computer skills).
 steps, to find an example of an Italian course contract for professional high school   There is  no need for excessive formality,  nor photographs,  covering letters  or
 trainees.  photocopies of certificates.
        Tips and examples of CV:
 Even if the law provides for the possibility of courses after the end of their studies
 for young graduates, it is covered by a bipartite agreement between the business   passo-passo.htm
 and the training organization. However, a young French graduate who is no longer
 registered at university cannot take advantage of a course contract.  Examples of CV in Italian can be seen on the site

 If the course lasts for less than three months, trainees must register with the   Finding a course: a few websites
 Office of the Commissioner of Police nearest to his home.  o  The Franco-Italian Chamber of Commerce
 For courses of over three months, they must register at the Town Hall in their
 place of residence.  o le nostre offerte di stage: offers of
             courses in Italy, posting a CV, sending the CV to large Italian companies
 Remuneration: "extracurriculari" internships are compensated.

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